Saturday, January 5, 2013

Nudist Twitter Tweets Saved for Posterity

Hey Platypus readers, big news today.  It seems that the Library of Congress has already stored over 170 billion Tweets from Twitter so far in its project to archive each and every public Tweet ever posted.  Announced in April 2010, the project has ramped up to processing, and archiving, nearly half a billion tweets per day.

The Bare Platypus takes some pride in knowing that tens of thousands of nudist posts will be part of the archive; that is, if each and every public Tweet is indeed getting added.  Many years from now, researchers will be able to get an idea of how popular simply being naked was, and is, across the spectrum.  (We follow lots of you fellow bares on Twitter, but can't imagine how many more there are.) 

There are already some tools at Google that analyze how often certain words appear in books over various decades.With similar data mining tools, researchers will know what was really on our minds.

There are no doubt privacy issues left to ponder.  But our talk about baring our posteriors will be saved for posterity!

1 comment:

  1. Unfortunately, it will get thrown in with the thousands of of times more prevalent references to porn.
