Sunday, October 6, 2013

Naked Halloween Costumes

There's a fairly common meme around the internet that reads,  "I bet being a nudist takes all the fun out of Halloween," but that isn't true. In truth, nudists get quite innovative.

Here are a few ways we've seen of dressing up without wearing anything.  Just in time to prepare for the occasion, should your travels take you to a nudist club,  or even if you just want to have fun at home:

- Cupid: All you need are some fake wings,  a bit of satin sash,  perhaps,  and a bow and arrow (keep it safe with the plunger dart toy kind);

- Adam or Eve: Get an apple.  Get a rubber snake.  If there's no bite in the apple you haven't messed up yet and don't need a fig leaf;

- Lady Godiva: Get one of those polo pony hobby horse head on a stick toys that kids "ride" around the house.  May need blonde wig also;

- Baby New Year: A sash with 2014 on it and a top hat will make you one character that's ahead of its time;

- Huck Finn: Straw hat... Corn cob pipe... Cane pole if you like... He skinny-dipped quite a bit after all;

- Nudist on Strike: Wear clothes (yech) and carry a sign.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! This touches on the questions raised about attire at nudist events in general, but let's not go there right now. C'mon, people are people, even if nudists, and we all like to dress up at times! If not at Halloween, when?

    We've been to a number of nudist Halloween parties and it's fun to see what folks can do when combining nudity with costuming. In the 'real' world, there are limits. Not so much among folks who are usually naked together!

    Some use it as an occasion to be sexy (clothes create sexiness, ya know?), some make fun of sexiness by overdoing it intentionally! Some, as you suggest, just have fun!

    We like the fun of costuming while worrying a bit about overt sexiness but hey, we're people and a little harmless flirtatiousness isn't the worst thing in the world, within reason. Nudists, yes. Human, also yes. Sometimes it's ok to cut a little slack, as long as it doesn't become the norm. Is that not reasonable?

    Have I expressed this correctly? Trying to say that nudists can maintain naturist principles without being prudes, that's all. Kind of hard to define, but when you're THERE it's pretty obvious when the lines are crossed. Most times, they aren't.

    That's because despite all the talk and blather we see online, most of us 'get' it and stay within bounds. Not because we have to, but because we want to. That's what makes us a community!
