Sunday, February 3, 2013

Superbowl Nudist Lesson Part II

The previous post on The Platypus encouraged readers to watch the game naked.  Today we continue the Superbowl theme with this thought: Uniforms (clothes) divide life into "teams."

Imagine, for a moment, if both teams were completely naked. It would then be difficult to determine who should, and should not, have the football.  It would be tough for teams to know who was who as the game progressed... especially during plays.  In short, uniforms tell us who is on the right side.

In life, it seems clothes often perform the same role.  The uniform tells us that the waitress is there to take our order.  The suit and tie says "professional."  The jeans or worn clothing say something else.  Fashion dictates whether someone is from the "hip" generation or a "square."

In nudist settings it's easier to stop separating life into teams.  That's refreshing.

1 comment:

  1. I always to see a lot more PLAY! when I was a club nudist. There was something called "New Games." Cooperative games, "Play hard, play fair, nobody hurt." It seemed like it could easily become "Nude Games." Hug Tag, Ooh Ah, and Siamese Soccer sounded like a blast!
    You can find out more at and there's a story in the Sports Illustrated archives.
