Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Mainstreaming Nudity: "What's Nude" Art Show

This morning the Bare Platypus read an interesting announcement about a "What's Nude" Art Show in New England that will feature work from more than forty artists.  What's more, this one is put on / sponsored by the local Chamber of Commerce.  The linked article notes that pieces with both the male and female form will be included in the exhibition.

Kudos for mainstreaming nudity within the arts.  When human bodies are accepted as fitting for display as paintings of sunsets, seashores, or architecture (as they most certainly have been for centuries... if with sporadic "celebration" as standards change) this helps change mindsets for the better!

Monday, February 6, 2017

The Joys of Gardening Bare

Bare Platypus lives South of the Mason-Dixon line.  With this geography, plus an unseasonably warm winter, there have been several days warm enough to go outside without clothing and remain quite comfortable.  There's a patch in the backyard which, after several years of taking enhanced non-offense measures, is sufficiently secluded to allow total nakedness.  Enjoying such nakedness in FEBRUARY can only be described as sheer joy.

So while it may be premature to celebrate World Naked Gardening Day, it is certainly fitting to celebrate simply gardening bare.  If it's too cold where you are to enjoy this simple pleasure at this time of year, no problem.  Water your houseplants nude.  Start some seedlings in your kitchen window and experience the luxury of doing that nude.  You owe it to yourself.  And you'll score one for God's green earth while you're at it.


Sunday, February 5, 2017

Nudity and the Superbowl - For Your Consideration

The American Association for Nude Recreation ( AANR ) 's publication, The Bulletin carries stories and recipes this month commemorating the Big Game and suggesting we celebrate it by going naked if we can.  Great idea!

Bare Platypus has echoed these sentiments in past blog posts.  Here's a sampling:

Whichever team you route for today, the Platypus hopes you can do so in your birthday suit.  And... if not... there's always the day after the Superbowl to celebrate too.