Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Revisiting Nudity and Google Glass

We here at the Bare Platypus have been talking about Google Glass for quite some time... specifically the impact that the technology could have on nudist venues.  In a nutshell, Google Glass consists of a pair of eyeglasses which incorporate a small viewing screen, internet access, a camera, and various applications and tools which the user can access while still watching and working in the world around them.

You can read our first post on the subject by clicking Is nudism ready for Google Glass?. Therein we wondered what would happen when people start wearing the glasses to a nude beach or club.  Does etiquette demand the glasses be taken off? If not, what prevents surreptitious photography?

True to similar predictions, this week an online developer of pornographic apps for android and the iphone announced the introduction of an adult-oriented "XXX Glass" tool.  Apparently it was designed to let folks film "activity" and / or share material with others.  For its part, Google had issued a notice earlier in the week to developers that it was banning nudity, sexually oriented material and, especially child pornography from any applications sold for Glass.

For now, then, it looks like nudity filmed with the glasses will be content "without a country."  But technology---and ways to beat technology---march along.

Here are a couple links to stories:

Google Glass:

And this story:

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