Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Tale of Two (Nude) Cruises

Just a few days ago a story ran in the New York Post and on Yahoo about nude cruises.  In the article the writer interviewed Nancy Tiemman of Bare Necessities Tour and Travel, who is well known within the nudist industry.  In typical professional style, Nancy relayed information for first-time travelers about what they could expect on a cruise, the fact that your fellow travelers will be friendly as well as nude, and other helpful facts.

The writer also interviewed a spokesperson for "Bliss" travel which makes bookings aboard ships of "a different color."  Summarized, the "Bliss" experience is an adult playground where anything goes in certain areas.  Ironically though, passengers can only enjoy simple nudity within a few restricted areas.

We know which we would choose.

Mr. and Mrs. Platypus have traveled on three Bare Necessities journeys and can completely recommend this reputable company. As to the folks from "Bliss..." we will say only that their full disclosure about what to expect may help people avoid booking an unexpected surprise. We don't know any more about them, but will let their quotes speak for themselves.

There's nothing quite like getting naked and staying naked for days on end.  You stay nude and on one ship, while the ship goes to different places.  True, you'll have to don clothes to travel into port towns on the itinerary, and within the formal dining room.  But you can always opt for clothing-optional cafeteria dining, and to linger on board when at anchor and stay au naturel.

As for the moment Nancy describes in the story about when nude cruise ships hit international waters and the "all clear" is given to get nude:  It's another awesome moment of metamorphosis as the ship gradually goes from polo shirts and butts in shorts to bare butts.  First time nude travelers take a little more getting used to it, but they're often the most dedicated nudists by the time the trip's over.

Regarding the Platypus "Puggles" and "Grandpuggles" to come... well the article points out that neither cruise is a good fit there.  So if we're all traveling together as a family, we'll just dip our webbed feet into the swimming pool---or walk the lakeside sands---of a nudist club somewhere ashore in these 50 states.  And take it from us... there's nothing more cute than a lil' bare butt walking along the beach under their sailor hat.

Bon Voyage!

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