Saturday, June 1, 2013

Neighborly? Barely.

Today the Bare Platypus was once again out in the back yard enjoying a Saturday in the sun and his birthday suit.  He was using the "non offense" canopy described in a previous post.

Set up lawn chair? Check.

Cold drink in hand? Check.

Clothes off? Check.

Book to read? Check.

And then, it began.  The Latin salsa music from a house just  across the street a few doors down plus another neighbor couple having an animated discussion. (Not a fight mind you, just very vocal.)  Later, an ice cream truck slowly trolled throughout the block playing a repetitious melody that sounded like "pop goes the weasel" played on a music box with a couple of broken notes.

It all got the Platypus thinking.... If HE had simply walked out into the backyard naked, no doubt someone would QUICKLY call the police.  And the Platypus would probably be in jail charged with a sex offense of some kind.  Or at least "disturbing the peace."

Ironically, however, such disturbances as the ice cream truck, the salsa music, or a loud conversation are much less likely to land someone in hot water.  At least in the day time.

The only hot water this Platypus wants to be in is the kind with bubbles and a Jacuzzi involved so we'll stick to the non-offense canopy.  But why is it that a birthday suit would so quickly offend, when other conduct gets a pass? 

Ah, well.  Even if life had a soundtrack for a while today, it was still good. And life is just a little better when you're naked.


  1. This is the reason I really like my week 'going bush'. Only once a year (should do it more often)I go bush and have some days with friends and also explore by myself. The only things not natural I hear during exploring is the odd plane flying over and the occasional logging truck using his engine break on the down hill slopes. Nobody to criticize what you do, just going about doing your own thing at your own pace.

  2. My neighbors try to look in my yard. Such a pain.
